The Secret Every Tween Should Know

TweenThe Secret Every Tween Should Know

One of the many reasons I know Saltwater Taffy, an award-winning adventure book for the entire family, will become a bestselling children’s book is because the soul of the story is one based on love.

Now, more than ever, we need to teach our children not only HOW to love, but more importantly, HOW TO LOVE THEMSELVES by watching their thoughts, words and actions.  If a thought has the capacity to make us feel sick, why not change our thoughts to focus on love and compassion?

Have you ever noticed what it feels like to be sick with the Flu?  Your head is pounding from a fever.  Your nose is rubbed raw from all the blowing and your energy level is so low, it’s tough to even get up to go to the bathroom.  The only thing that matters to us is feeling better.  Why then, can’t we apply that same desire to feel better about who we are during our every day lives?

When we find ourselves focusing on something that makes us feel afraid, lonely or lost, all we have to do is replace that thought with a thought or conversation about what we love.  This isn’t one of those “think happy thoughts” and all your troubles will go away ideals, either.  This, rather, is the notion that the more we focus on love, the more love we discover in our lives.  The more we focus on love, the more we love ourselves and in the end, that’s all that matters in life.  LOVING WHO WE ARE.

When our children are able to focus on what they love, they will worry less about gossip and fitting in with the crowd.  Fitting in with the crowd and being normal is something to be avoided.  We are hear to stand out, stand up and make a difference in the lives of others.

When we teach our children to follow their hearts, which Saltwater Taffy refers to as the heart compass, they will worry less about failing and ultimately, live a happier, heart-centered life through self-confidence.

Watch our thoughts, for they become our WORDS.

Watch our words, for they become our ACTIONS.

Watch our actions, for they become our HABITS.

Watch our habits, for they become our CHARACTER.

Watch our character, for it becomes our DESTINY.

Saltwater Taffy is available in every bookstore on the planet, as well as the ebook version on the iPad, the Kindle, the Kobo, the Nook as well as any smartphone known to women and men!  


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