Guest Posting with BOOKMARKET.COM

BOOKMARKET.COM – Guest Posting is one of the leading resources for book marketing on the internet.  John Kremer is THE #1 name in book marketing on the internet.  His book, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books is the industry go-to for book marketing and used by independent and traditional NY publishers.  I recently had the pleasure of writing an article for his website; Self-Published or Independent: What’s In a Name Anyway?

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Getting Reviewers Attention

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Getting Reviewers Attention

Children's BookThe best way to get the attention of a children’s book reviewer is to BE DIFFERENT.  No matter what you do or where you go, someone is going to tell you that what you’re doing is not only hard, but impossible.

When you hear this, you must begin to KNOW that you are on the right track.  This is what is called BLAZING A TRAIL.  To be a trail blazer who wants to write children’s books, you have to…

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