Reading To Children

Reading to childrenREADING TO CHILDREN

One of the best things about being an author is reading to children.  There is an indescribable feeling (even for the most seasoned writer) when you glance up from the page and see the ignition of interest in the eyes of your audience.  When your audience is 400 ‘tweenage’ children at a time, this feeling is not only a rush of energy, it drives me to never stop doing what I do…no matter what.

On a recent author visit, I began my hour-long assembly like I always do…by reading Read more



While this might seem like simple advice for kids of all ages, I believe it can be an ideal we all can live by.  As the world continues to quicken at an alarming pace, we must always remember that the friendships we have today are the memories we’ll cherish tomorrow.

Going a bit further with this thought, I believe the only thing that matters in life is how deeply we can not only FEEL and accept our feelings of love for ourselves and others, but how deeply we can open up and share those feelings with the rest of the world…no matter who they are. Read more

LIT JAM Susanville

Author visitsLIT JAM Susanville

2013 Lit Jam Susanville was yet another amazing author visit for Saltwater Taffy.  We sold out every book they hand in the Lit Jam bookstore as well as 2 additional boxes of special orders.

With over 500 kids and parents in attendance for the main event, LIT JAM Susanville was a huge success for Lassen County’s Education Department.  James D. Hall was an amazing leader and an inspiration to the kids in his district.

DSC_0042_7After 3 different all school assemblies in two days, I have to admit I was beginning to run on empty, but when you have a mic, 500 kids and your book the center of attention, you find the energy to carry on.  I am looking forward to a return to Lassen County as other elementary schools in the area have requested a Saltwater Taffy visit.  Yes, this is a good problem to have on the road to becoming a best selling children’s book.  I have been on the road for over two years, touring with Saltwater Taffy and I have to admit, this recent trip to the LIT JAM Susanville has to be one of my favorite stops of all.  The kids, teachers, and parents were amazing!

DSC_0041_7          Lit Jam Susanville




The author visits to schools continue as we were in front of 575 kids in the last two days in Susanville, California.  We’re in town for the Lassen County LIT JAM Festival and have a total of 4 school visits in three days!  Talk about a working author.  Two more assemblies to go then it’s the Lassen County Lit Jam Festival at Diamond View Elementary School.  You can order Saltwater Taffy from your local bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or right here on Saltwater Taffy’s website.  The cool thing about ordering from the website is that Eric DelaBarre will personally sign your copy of the award-winning adventure novel, Saltwater Taffy.

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If your school would like to book Eric DelaBarre for school assemblies, Lit Jams, or anything to do with child literacy, please contact Riley Scott seven “AT” sevenpublishing DOT com.


elementary school assembly  ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ASSEMBLY

Inspire your students for your next elementary school assembly with award-winning Saltwater Taffy author and filmmaker, Eric DelaBarre.  Having reached over 15,000 children across the country with schools and Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Eric’s visits are packed with inspirational guidance for young minds.

elementary school assembly

As past president of the Boys & Girls Club Council of Santa Monica, Eric has been working with children for over 10 years.  While his adventure story of Saltwater Taffy entertains the reader, the message of Saltwater Taffy inspires children to read and believe in their dreams.

Endorsed by 12 Teachers of the Year around the country, as well as the editor of The Journal for Child and Adolescent Psychology, Saltwater Taffy entertains and educates like no other children’s book on the market.  Available at your local independent bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart or any online retailer, Saltwater Taffy is also available on the iPad, Kindle, Nook, Kobo

Here are some pictures from his school assembly at Fugman Elementary School in Clovis, California.