Saltwater Taffy and the Culture of Violence

SALTWATER TAFFY and the Culture of Violence

The culture of violence in America is killing our children…literally.  As a children’s book author, I have always believed in the ideal ‘if you build it, they will come.’  The question I have is, why do children respond to the culture of violence in our socity more than they do to a theme of inspiration or adventure?

Culture of violenceWhile we have been a mildly successful award-winning adventure book for tweens by selling 5000 copies of Saltwater Taffy across the country, it appears in order to enjoy best-selling success, you either need Read more



Teacher of the YearFan mail from a Teacher of the Year?  When I sat down to write the Saltwater Taffy book, I knew I was onto something special in the eyes of teachers, parents and children, but getting a letter like this from an award winning TEACHER OF THE YEAR?  Well, my Taffy Head friends, it is super saweet Saltwater Taffy cool!  Yes, it just makes all the hard work worth it.

This little book is up against some of the biggest publishers in the world and we are happy to report, we are more than holding our own.  We are KICKING some rooty tootie fruity booty!  Here’s the latest letter from our 12th Teacher of the Year!

October 3, 2011

Dear Eric,

I sat down at 10:00 this morning to read Saltwater Taffy.  I intended to read a chapter or two and then do some of the errands that always get delayed until Saturday.  Yet, by page 7, I was hooked.  I didn’t stop when I finished chapter 2; I read until I reached page 252 and that was 4 hours later.

Where was this book when I was a kid?  I would have… Read more


middle grade fiction


Our middle grade fiction tour carries on.  Walking the streets of New Orleans with Saltwater Taffy under my arm brought back an afternoon of memories from my days on the USA NETWORK show, THE BIG EASY.

On this trip we met some amazing parents, educators and children of all type in the Crescent City.  I think the coolest thing about the trip was discovering the indie bookstore of OCTAVIA BOOKS, located in the Garden District.  Filled with best selling books, Tom and Judith Lafitte (yes, Judith is related to the great pirate, Jean Lafitte) are two amazing bookstore owners.  Their store is intimate and friendly, which was perfect for the kids who showed up for the Saltwater Taffy book sining.  I especially… Read more

MIDDLE GRADE DREAMS: Where Is Your Heart Compass?

Middle Grade DreamsMIDDLE GRADE DREAMS: Where Is Your Heart Compass?

You middle grade dreams begin with something I like to call the heart compass.  The heart compass is that still, small voice that speaks to us during the quiet moments of our lives…IF…we are open and available to HEAR the message upon arrival.  This is what I used to write the adventure novel, Saltwater Taffy.

Have you ever been really super tired?  I mean, so tired that you can’t sleep?   Read more