MIDDLE GRADE DREAMS: Where Is Your Heart Compass?
MIDDLE GRADE DREAMS: Where Is Your Heart Compass?
You middle grade dreams begin with something I like to call the heart compass. The heart compass is that still, small voice that speaks to us during the quiet moments of our lives…IF…we are open and available to HEAR the message upon arrival. This is what I used to write the adventure novel, Saltwater Taffy.
Have you ever been really super tired? I mean, so tired that you can’t sleep? You lay there with your head nestled into your pillow, staring at the ceiling looking for a heard of sheep to count, but nothing. We then begin to hear a message from the heart compass about something we love or something we want to accomplish in life. This is an example of a middle grade dreams. One of my most favorite lines from writing Saltwater Taffy is:
Always remember, every moment is another
story of adventure waiting to happen.
The reason these messages arrive at the end of the day as our heads hit the pillow is because there isn’t a phone call to make, a text to answer, or some lame network primetime ‘un-reality’ show serving us mind numbing distractions that cloud our vision for the truth. Right before we fall asleep, we are finally awake to our true potential.
Now here’s the thing about getting older, my young taffy headed friends….the more we learn to LISTEN to this heart compass, the more we are able to get more of what we LOVE out of life. The more we ignore the heart compass, the more frustration and anger we will ultimately experience.
Love vs. Frustration?
Is there even a debate to consider? I mean, honestly. The minute we feel the PING from the heart compass informing us that we LOVE something, we have an obligation to follow that something with everything we have.
“But Uncle E, it’s too hard.”
I don’t think I have what it takes.
I’m not smart enough.
I’m not old enough.”
If you have ever said something like this, you should immediately wash your mouth out with a bar of soap. Wouldn’t that be funny? Your parents come home from work to find you with a bar of Ivory soap lodged into your mouth?
MOM: “What are you doing?”
TAFFY HEAD: “Oh nothing…I was just telling myself that I wasn’t
smart enough to accomplish a message from my heart compass.”
Miraculous accomplishments come were once considered impossible. See the impossible and create the possible. Middle grade dreams begin with listening to the heart compass and then DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Do not delay and remember that YOU ARE AMAZING and every moment is a story of adventure waiting to happen.
Eric DelaBarre is an award-winning filmmaker and the author of Saltwater Taffy, a Middle Grade Fiction novel on sale January 11, 2011. Copyright October 25, 2010. All Rights Reserved.
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