

Saltwater TaffyThe question remains: can family films change the lives of our children?  We believe the answer is YES.

As young children, our lives are filled with many amazing dreams of tomorrow.  We believe we can accomplish anything and that nothing is out of reach.  Because of our age, we aren’t yet worried about what other people think of us and we have the organic ability to listen to our heart’s desire.  Then something happens…we begin to grow up.

Faced with the peer pressure and the overwhelming drive of fitting in, we withdraw from our dreams and develop the dysfunctional habit of playing small.  As a result, we shy away from anything that might make us appear vulnerable to our peers.

Over time, our self-worth is suddenly based on how many friends we have on Facebook, what label of clothing we wear, or how popular we are at school.  Saddled with this dysfunctional habit of playing small, we begin to change our character and in the blink of an eye, we lose sight of our dreams.

If a dysfunctional mental habit like this has the ability to derail a child’s future potential, is it possible for us to alter their direction by enhancing their entertainment experience with positive family films?

In 2013, only 23 family films entered the marketplace against 320 Contemporary Fiction titles.  Capturing an impressive 16% market share and $1.7B in revenues, family films continue to be the most profitable film ventures in Hollywood…year after year.  Based on these overwhelming numbers, we are currently in a fund raise to make Saltwater Taffy into a feature film for the entire family.

We have raised $1.5M against our budget of $5M, but we need your help.  We need to get in front of individuals who not only have the money to invest in family films, but in front of individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of our children.


Saltwater Taffy bookAttention Taffy Heads!  It’s official!  Saltwater Taffy is today’s KINDLE DAILY DEAL from Amazon.

With a daily price set at $1.99, you won’t see this deal anytime soon, so click on the link and get your digital copy today.  Currently we are ranked #2 for children’s adventure books on Kindle.  The only author ahead of us is Rick Riordan! and his book series!  Yesterday we were ranked #324,000.  Who says marketing doesn’t work!

If you haven’t heard about Saltwater Taffy, the award-winning children’s book is an Accelerated Reader title with endorsements from 12 Teachers of the Year.

The Kindle Daily Deal is part of Amazon’s way of taking care of their customers by offering them a savings up to 80% off the regular cover price.

Saltwater Taffy follows the lives of five “tweenage” friends as they uncover a treasure map leading to the Lost Treasure of Jean Lafitte.  With this amazing Kindle Daily Deal, we suggest reading the book with your children for their next bedtime story book.

Often called “Stand By Me” meets “The Goonies,”  Saltwater Taffy not only takes the reader on an epic treasure hunting adventure, but it teaches children how to reach their full potential in life by thinking UP, not DOWN.

Reading To Children

Reading to childrenREADING TO CHILDREN

One of the best things about being an author is reading to children.  There is an indescribable feeling (even for the most seasoned writer) when you glance up from the page and see the ignition of interest in the eyes of your audience.  When your audience is 400 ‘tweenage’ children at a time, this feeling is not only a rush of energy, it drives me to never stop doing what I do…no matter what.

On a recent author visit, I began my hour-long assembly like I always do…by reading Read more


SWT 3D WHITESet during the 4th of July weekend and perfect for summer readingSaltwater Taffy follows the lives of five ‘tween-age’ friends as they embark on an epic journey of treasure hunting adventure and self-discovery.

“A perfect read for the summer.  A wonderful, fun-filled adventure for all ages.”

Sharon Andrews
Teacher of the Year

The adventure begins when the friends find a treasure map belonging to the great New Orleans pirate, Jean Lafitte.  The discovery thrusts them from one treasure-hunting Read more

THE POWER OF THOUGHT: All Hacks Off The Stage

Saltwater Taffy

The power of thought continues to be a paradox.  While we have more people realizing, celebrating and sharing the power of thought, we are failing to master the concept.

If we can agree, for even a brief second, that our ‘thoughts are energy,’ why would anyone deny their greatness by choosing runaway thoughts of fear, doubt and worry?  Why would we even entertain a thought that makes us feel less than the whole person we deserve to be?

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