SWT 3D WHITESet during the 4th of July weekend and perfect for summer readingSaltwater Taffy follows the lives of five ‘tween-age’ friends as they embark on an epic journey of treasure hunting adventure and self-discovery.

“A perfect read for the summer.  A wonderful, fun-filled adventure for all ages.”

Sharon Andrews
Teacher of the Year

The adventure begins when the friends find a treasure map belonging to the great New Orleans pirate, Jean Lafitte.  The discovery thrusts them from one treasure-hunting Read more


Saltwater TaffyTWEEN ADVICE

The best Tween advice there is to NEVER talk down to yourself…about yourself.  It’s okay to wonder if people like you or even wonder if you fit in with everyone else at school, but talking down to yourself about yourself can literally make you sick.  The more you do it, the sicker you get. Read more

INSPIRING KIDS with the Saltwater Taffy Book

INSPIRING KIDS with Saltwater Taffy Book

Saltwater taffy bookThe Saltwater Taffy book is more than just an award-winning adventure novel for tweens.  The book reminds kids they can accomplish anything in life!  More than just a book, the brand for Saltwater Taffy is a brand that has the potential to change the lives of children across the country!

While my Saltwater Taffy book visits are centered around the book, the cool think about my author visits is that I get to teach kids about their own potential.  When was the last time you heard of a middle grade fiction author visiting a school and talking to the students about their potential in life?

Sure, I want to sell as many Saltwater Taffy books as I can, but the real reason I do author visits is because I want to change the life of that one kid.  That one kid in back who thinks he or she isn’t good enough.  That one kid who thinks he or she will never amount to anything.  I’m here to show them how wrong they are.  I know they are wrong, because I was once that little kid sitting in the back of the room.  It’s no fun, trust me.  If I can shift a kid’s vision of their life towards one of adventure, which is why I wrote the Saltwater Taffy book in the first place, then my job is accomplished.

Here is a quick video from the road!

Inspiring Children with Saltwater Taffy