
Books for Kids

Books for kidsBOOKS FOR KIDS

While there are many books for kids to consider on the market, I would like to introduce the award winning children’s book, Saltwater Taffy.  This epic adventure novel follows the lives of five young friends as they uncover a treasure map once belonging to Jean Lafitte, the great New Orleans pirate.

Endorsed by 12 Teachers of the Year around the country, Saltwater Taffy is now Read more


Saltwater TaffyTWEEN ADVICE

The best Tween advice there is to NEVER talk down to yourself…about yourself.  It’s okay to wonder if people like you or even wonder if you fit in with everyone else at school, but talking down to yourself about yourself can literally make you sick.  The more you do it, the sicker you get. Read more



The Saltwater Taffy book Christmas FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAYS Winner is now announced!  After over 75 entries and the wonders of random drawing through SORTING on word, the winner is: KIDS BOOKWORM.NET Kids Bookworm is an amazing site hosted by a Mom who home-schools her three children and they will be receiving 5 signed copies of Saltwater Taffy.

We are hoping they use some of the books to giveaway to children in their community! A big thank you to all of you who posted the FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAYS, followed us on Facebook and Twitter or the many who Pined us on Pinterest!

We are so grateful for all of your support in helping children discover the amazing Saltwater Taffy adventure! Saltwater Taffy is an adventure book for tweens and children of all ages…yes, Grandma…that means you too!

Saltwater Taffy and the Culture of Violence

SALTWATER TAFFY and the Culture of Violence

The culture of violence in America is killing our children…literally.  As a children’s book author, I have always believed in the ideal ‘if you build it, they will come.’  The question I have is, why do children respond to the culture of violence in our socity more than they do to a theme of inspiration or adventure?

Culture of violenceWhile we have been a mildly successful award-winning adventure book for tweens by selling 5000 copies of Saltwater Taffy across the country, it appears in order to enjoy best-selling success, you either need Read more