


Please suggest SALTWATER TAFFY to the Sunshine Reader list.  After visiting Water’s Edge Elementary School in Boca Raton Florida, we were flooded with emails asking if Saltwater Taffy is a Sunshine Reader title.

I knew we were an Accelerated Reader title, but I hadn’t heard of the Sunshine Readers List.  In order to get onto the list, we need to be suggested to the committee.  As with everything concerning Saltwater Taffy, all we have to do is raise awareness surrounding the book and the rest takes care of itself.

So, with that…please take literally two seconds and CLICK HERE and write:  Saltwater Taffy by Eric DelaBarre, then check the 4 boxes to let them know we are in North America, the book is publishes after 2010, etc.  You don’t have to leave your email address or phone number or anything…all the want you to do is tell them about a new book.  Tell them about the SAWEET adventure novel Saltwater Taffy and we’ll be your friends for life!

We thank you for your continued support in making Saltwater Taffy an international best selling Children’s book.



Saltwater TaffyHOW TO BE HAPPY: A Daily Practice for Tweens

Yes, I believe there is an art form to How To Be Happy.  It’s called watching What you think…How you think…and from Where you think.  As a children’s book author, I feel that it is my duty to teach children the joy of reading, but also how to be happy…now…and in the future.

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The Saltwater Taffy book Christmas FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAYS Winner is now announced!  After over 75 entries and the wonders of random drawing through SORTING on word, the winner is: KIDS BOOKWORM.NET Kids Bookworm is an amazing site hosted by a Mom who home-schools her three children and they will be receiving 5 signed copies of Saltwater Taffy.

We are hoping they use some of the books to giveaway to children in their community! A big thank you to all of you who posted the FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAYS, followed us on Facebook and Twitter or the many who Pined us on Pinterest!

We are so grateful for all of your support in helping children discover the amazing Saltwater Taffy adventure! Saltwater Taffy is an adventure book for tweens and children of all ages…yes, Grandma…that means you too!

Accelerated Reader Picks Saltwater Taffy

Accelerated Reader Picks Saltwater Taffy

Accelerated Reader Saltwater TaffyAccelerated Reader picks Saltwater Taffy for it’s list of award-winning children’s books.  This is a SAWEET honor for us to be on the Accelerated Reader list because now children across the country can be rewarded for reading Saltwater Taffy.

For those of you who aren’t aware of this list, the Accelerated Reader program is a software assessment tool that assesses a student’s reading level, suggests titles of books at that level, and then assess whether a student has completed reading the book by asking a series of quiz questions.  The program is highly popular around the country because it enhances the reading skills of the students as well as the teaching experience.  It creates reading independence among students and accountability, which is perfect for reluctant readers.  If you are looking for books for kids, Saltwater Taffy is a perfect read for kids.



Saltwater TaffyCELL PHONE ADDICTIONS: Can you hear me now?

The topic of cell phone addiction couldn’t be more timely as our lives are now run by these so-called smartphones.  I think parents of Middle School Children should begin to wonder if their child is suffering from cell phone addiction.  Have we become so addicted to our cell phones that we are unable to notice what is happening around us.

Have you ever noticed the line at coffee shops where every person is on their phone, ignoring each other?  Have you ever noticed the driver next to you on the freeway madly texting with one hand on the wheel?  What about the very instant the plane lands at the airport and the race to check email begins?  I don’t know about you, but smartphone technology seems to be making us dumb and dumber, one text at a time.

As we continue to become more and more connected through technology, we are becoming more and more disconnected from each other.  While I like to pride myself on the ability to talk to anyone, anywhere, any time, I have noticed a change in my own behavior lately.

I must confess that I love everything about the social media explosion.  I am on Facebook, Twitter, +Google and  I also confess that I really love my iPhone, but the instant it sends me an alert, I grab for it.  This makes me wonder if I am suffering from cell phone addiction?

The number one concern I have about all of this is distracted driving.  Even though Facebook and Twitter buzzes with PSA commercials about texting and driving, the freeways are still filled with distracted drivers.  I too am guilty of the activity and it scares me.  I have gone so far as to leave my phone in the trunk of the car on purpose because the impulse to connect is so great.  Have you ever honked at someone for driving while distracted?  I have, but when I do, the bird gets flipped, lickety-split.

I now have to constantly remind myself to leave my phone alone while I am behind the wheel or engaged in a face-to-face conversation.  During a recent lunch meeting, the guy across the table from me must have checked his phone ten times before our food arrived.  While this is rapidly becoming acceptable social behavior in the “I’m so important” culture we have, I find it troubling.

I wonder what would happen if the next time our phone sends us an alert, we finished our conversation or we waited until we arrive at our destination before grabbing for it like a gunfighter from the old west grabbing for his gun.

Let us please remember that emails, incoming calls, and text messages won’t die if they are left unattended.  Social media addictions and communication distractions are real, so let us keep our hands on the wheel, finish our conversations and not be afraid to say hello to that person in line at Starbucks.  And one more thing….oh, wait…sorry…I have to answer my phone.  Until next time.  E.