Middle Grade Fiction
One way to fix the middle grade fiction literacy problem and drop-our rate of our children in America is for authors to visit middle grade schools with loads of enthusiasm.
Yesterday marked the start of my adventure and doing what I can to get kids excited about reading middle grade fiction. With the help of Mr. Murphy, an awesome middle=grade teacher here in Santa Monica, I spent my Friday morning with 5th, 6th and 7th Graders of St. Anne’s Catholic School. The Daily Pretzel said I had “more energy and enthusiasm than a bus full of sugar-high 5th graders.” It’s a good thing because I needed every ounce of it. To say the room was BUZZING with energy would be an understatement.
We had close to 60 kids in one classroom and if you don’t bring your A-Game of enthusiasm with kids, they will eat you alive. It truly was an awesome way to start the Saltwater Taffy National Tour. Next up, Las Vegas! More from the road coming up!
Eric DelaBarre is an award-winning filmmaker and the author of Saltwater Taffy.